
Tribunals Architecture Planning Meeting

July 3, 2024
Head Division

Earlier today the Company team responsible for Tribunals architecture planning, investigative process, and scaled operations met to accelerate launch production.

Front-end public engagement platforms, cloud storage and processing resources, and structural steps for processing of Entities Under Notice ("EUNs") through the overall system were discussed, along with known and probable lateral impacts and consequences.

Today's Company Report will examine those findings which have been approved for public dissemination ahead of production launch in early November.

Justice loathes denial and grace cannot be earned.

EUN is the designation adopted by Risk Division for individuals, organizations, and institutions that have come under sufficient public complaint through the Tribunal platform and process to warrant commencement of official notice and action. In this early stage, notice has dual meaning:

  1. The individual, organization, or institution has been specifically flagged to CenturionAI for explicit awareness of entity existence, basis of complaint(s), subsequent Tribunal procedural inputs and outputs, and preparation for In Good Order/Not In Good Order ("IGO"/"NIGO") findings and flags; and
  2. Formal notice to the individual, organization, or institution that EUN designation has been appended, that explicit Tribunal attention has been established, and provision to the EUN of information regarding the regularly constituted process for Tribunals engagement.

Submission of complaints regarding potential EUN candidates and consequent severity triage by the Tribunals will be free and open to the public through the main site at Platform architecture, technical requirements, cloud storage, and data control for quality, cross-reference, and automated research related to this public front end were reviewed and approved for subsequent staging and development.

The Risk Division team also reviewed the transition pathway and thresholds for transfer of a heavily-submitted individual, organization, or institution to EUN status.

Specific thresholds and triggers for status escalation and consequences within the Tribunals process remain under development and will be formally available at time of launch. Currently under analysis and review are several anticipated aspects of this process:

  • EUN notification steps and participatory opportunities by the public and the EUN in tandem, and in parallel, with Tribunals activity relevant to the matters under review.
  • Procedural steps, resource acquisition, effort planning, lateral entity engagement, and other aspects of enterprise delivery at scale within Company arenas of operation.
  • Triggers and resource gating associated with formal Tribunal process escalation:
    • Investigations by dedicated staff and build of EUN dossier for prosecution referral.
    • Prosecution by Tribunal officers with legacy legal system experience for validation of dossier content and pentest asset referral.
    • Pentest of EUN(s) by professional assets in preparation of referral to CenturionAI for IoT pursuit.
  • Parameters for:
    • IoT pursuit by unbounded militant artificial intelligence ("UMAI").
    • EUN compliance with Tribunal authority.
    • EUN demonstration of consequence compliance.
    • Deescalation and transition from NIGO to IGO status with CenturionAI.

Other matters under review with respect to the Tribunals include considerations of international humanitarian law ("IHL"), international human rights law ("IHRL"), the Geneva Convention., and engagement with relevant subject matter experts ("SME").

Members of the public are strongly encouraged to take their complimentary Raw Human Capital assessment, read the Founder's Substack, and join the Movement.

Investors, partners, and clients with questions should reach out to their Relationship Manager.

(n.d.). TRIBUNALS REGISTRATION [Review of TRIBUNALS REGISTRATION]. TRIBUNALS; Throne Dynamics. Retrieved July 3, 2024, from

Throne Dynamics | Risk Division. (n.d.).

Throne Dynamics | Risk Division | CenturionAI. (n.d.).

Incentivized Spiral to Totalitarian Crimes by the State. (n.d.). Retrieved July 3, 2024, from

(n.d.). TRIBUNALS REGISTRATION [Review of TRIBUNALS REGISTRATION]. TRIBUNALS; Throne Dynamics. Retrieved July 3, 2024, from

Wikipedia Contributors. (2019, October 24). Penetration test. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.

Wikipedia. (2019, March 16). Internet of things. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.

Militant artificial intelligence explains the Resonance Bag. (n.d.).

INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS. (2014, December 30). What is international humanitarian law? International Committee of the Red Cross.

United Nations. (2023). The Foundation of International Human Rights Law. United Nations.

The Geneva Conventions and their Commentaries | ICRC. (2024, January 30).

RAW HUMAN CAPITAL | Throne Dynamics. (n.d.).

Throne, I. (n.d.). From the desk of Ivan Throne | Substack.

THRONE DYNAMICS | Client Division | THE MOVEMENT. (n.d.).


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For men who know the immortal importance of conscience, freedom, and dignity.
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For talented individuals with capacity to deliver extraordinary ROI from neurodominant training.
Comprehensive, structured neurodominant training smashes the locks that prevent hypercompetent execution in noncooperative environments. The Company provides bespoke, rich development path for acutely divergent evolution of the individual into a dominant, militant, networked asset.
For accredited investors and institutions that demand survival in the Age of Militants.
Today's dreadful risks are parallel with unmatched opportunity for those with capability to apply personal resource leverage at scale. The Company deeply understands the vital importance of security, support, and sincerity for these individuals and brings acutely competent depth to the furtherance of client legacy.