In recognition of the acute suffering of human beings under the collapse of State legitimacy and consequent social and cultural decomposition to persistent noncooperative environment, the Company has made this social and material support document available to public without charge.
Age of Militants provides the individual with objective measures for existential decisions of conscience, freedom, and dignity at the start of the Third World War and its parallel collapse of security, sustenance, and identity.
The Company operates by specific and nonnegotiable values regardless of the arena. As a consumer of this Social and Material Support Document it is your responsibility to understand the most important aspect of the Company's demands on every investor, partner and client:
That demand is Operational Excellence ("OpEx") to the Minimum Viable ("MV") standard of performance. Your capacity to understand, and personally deliver, on this gradient of human capital and leadership viability is the foundation of your usefulness in the times of extreme political, economic, and military decomposition which rapidly consume nations and cultures.
Age of Militants provides the roadmap for decisions of individual and enterprise survival.
- Pitiless education of emerging communities from threatened demographics.
- Expert leaders for committed global network of training, support, and education.
- Integrate Company foster communities into vital continuity industries.
- Compassionate advancement of justice at epochal pivots in history.
This document is designed to further the work of Community Division to foster social, material, and academic support for emerging communities facing historic crisis opportunities. Our work provides the critical foundation for authoritative delivery of global eternal legacy.
To receive the Age of Militants document, please complete the form on this page. You are also encouraged to take the complimentary Raw Human Capital assessment from Throne Dynamics.