If Fascism is State control of the means of production, Companist Doctrine is State control over reinvestment of yield, referred to as collective profit.

Collective profit is a hybrid paradigm of investment thesis coupled with ideological philosophy. To explain in detail, one must initially address the investment thesis portion. Collective profit refers to the establishment and preservation of critical continuity industries needed to sustain civilization.

A form of reinvestment, the central theory of collective profit involves investing in critical continuity assets ("CCA's") and electing to use the cash yield (dividend, interest, etc.) of said assets to purchase additional CCAs, culminating in increasing and accelerated services dominance.

This is limited to income/yield and does not include the sale of assets, which proceeds may be used to meet redemption demand, meet the operational needs of the fund, or similar practical purpose. Meticulous segmentation of liquid cash and disciplined management is needed to ensure that yield is not inadvertently used for non-reinvestment purposes.

Secondarily, collective profit contains an ideological philosophy. Used in conjunction with Companist Doctrine it is intended that CCAs are managed, and staffed, by individuals who are formally In Good Order with The Company. They, in turn, submit a pre-determined percentage of the asset’s profits to The Company in the form of a pseudo-tax.

The theory states that in a hyperinflationary, or economically collapsing state, wages alone are insufficient to retain labor. The provision of shelter, sustenance, and security is supplemented by shared belief systems and a fealty system.

This system creates a sustainable ecosystem of individuals who possess relatively shared values or characteristics. The gross financial profits of CCAs are reinvested into policy-driven initiatives, combining fiscally-strong investment structure with State-responsibility driven obligations. An example of this concept would be to use the profit yields from a successful energy asset to fund child incentives for young families.

Distilling both aspects of collective profit to their base attributes, you have Reinvestment of yield coupled with corporate charity spending. The intended goal is not to use investment principal to fund social or charitable initiatives, but rather to fund those initiatives solely on the returns of the invested principal.

Investors in this strategy should assume their principal has either a prolonged, or permanent, commitment. Costs of fund operation can be deducted from the cash positions but redemptions—if agreed to be met - should originate from the sale of an asset(s) as this liquidity event can allow for portfolio re-allocation. While the ideological components may seem independent of the investment thesis, they are linked in how they produce returns. By approaching asset management from a neo-feudalist paradigm, it is assumed that the labor force and clientele become more inelastic by design.

Community pressures aid the working morale of the population surrounding the assets in the same fashion a Chamber of Commerce may support its local businesses. This idea bears resemblance to a “parallel economy” model, but employs a more robust centralized governance and unifying belief system.

This is intended to be augmented with benefit allowances in the form of security, access to stable electricity, etc. Benefits that are traditionally provided for by the State.

By providing non-financial compensation or incentives, it is believed assets may be able to enhance operations through reduced labor/material input rates and augmented sales prices. A premium on service can be charged through affiliation with The Company.

Additionally, there are classic vertical integration arguments to be made regarding reinvestment into related sub-industries. An example is an automotive maker reduces cost by purchasing a tire manufacturer. By insisting on an evergreen reinvestment policy, cross-sales and vertical integration became a natural byproduct of the capital redeployment cycle.

Cash management strategies are the sole deviation from CCA purchases. This is intended to enhance financial returns in between closings of hard assets, and may include, but not limited to; bond purchases (Treasuries), interest-bearing accounts, derivative layers, yield-based fund positions, and similar liquid investments.


Project Silver Talent enables capture of critical continuity enterprises at ~$5M individual scale with approximately $1-2M in annualized EBITDA through specific deal flow related to corporate acquisition and subsequent installation of Hard Right militants in operating management roles.

  • Critical continuity assets in agriculture, transportation, medicine, armaments, power, water, waste management, and other sectors are identified.
  • Companist Doctrine of collective profit flows primary yields as reinvestment into additional critical continuity assets focused on tendril/node methodology.
  • Secondary yields are flowed into safety and security, sustenance and provision and identity and meaning for attached regional communities.

Project Silver Talent is structured on an innovative application of 7(a) loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration, owner financing, significant Company EPMO expertise, and seller note process(es). It serves to advance the Company's directives of militant advancement of justice for threatened demographics under aegis and standard of the Company.

Throne Dynamics welcomes inquiries from accredited investors who wish to partner with the Company, senior leaders driven towards establishment of legacy, and career professionals with acumen for direct leadership.

Interested individuals, organizations, and institutions should complete the application linked below. Applicants are assessed, qualified, and selected for participation in Project Silver Talent by the Company Financier.


Integrated Global Dominance

Private network

Extraordinary ambition demands extraordinary resources and commitment. The Company provides private access to multigenerational family leverage at global scale.

Critical industries

Transportation, manufacturing, armaments, and agriculture are critical continuity industries. The Company ensures client access to existential infrastructure.

Societal evolution

Rapid global changes escalate in markets, governments, and regional stability. The Company delivers actionable assessments and intelligence for global change leaders.

Neurodominant advances

Interesting times require the evolution of interesting leaders who sustain world class performance. The Company delivers unmatched executive education.

Financial leverage

Clients with proven performance and unusual market posture are eligible for consideration by the Company for scaling by our investors, stakeholders, and partners.

Noncooperative arenas

Ultra affluent individuals face harshly scaled challenges to unbounded delivery of personal vision. The Company removes all boundaries from execution.
