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Movement Faction Development Formally Advances

July 10, 2024
Community Division

Development by Throne Dynamics of the Executive Cadre, organization of the Movement, and administration of our emplaced Hagakure Kan assets across the entirety of our engaged noncooperative environments is a grave and extant responsibility of the Company.

As a non-state actor in the fourth generation warfare arena of the Third World War, we shoulder the duty and responsibility of competent enterprise stewardship, management, and advancement.

This includes development of significant and antifragile organizational training structure for Faction Leaders in this time of fearsomely accelerated and visibly grotesque collapse of Western cities and nation-states.

Desperation and destruction is visible as the European Left attempts to maintain power, inescapably demonstrated through violent street carnage and plans to enact bitterly confiscative 90% tax rates:

According to this plan, the retirement age will be lowered from 64-years-old to 60-years-old, and an annual income tax rate of 90% will apply to those earning over €400,000. €400,000 equates to approximately $432,736 U.S. dollars, according to Google’s money converter tool.

Concomitant efforts by NATO to broaden the global war to the Asia-Pacific theater continue to increase in belligerence and severity:

The sternly worded final communiqué, approved by the 32 NATO members at their summit in Washington, makes clear that China is becoming a focus of the military alliance. The European and North American members and their partners in the Indo-Pacific increasingly see shared security concerns coming from Russia and its Asian supporters, especially China.

The Company maintains attention to evolving tandem escalations in collapse and expansion of global conflagration.

In keeping with our requirements of competent enterprise stewardship, effective resource management, and cruel organizational advancement the Company is pleased to announce the commencement of the formal Faction Leader training program for qualified candidates on the Hard Right.

Hard Right leaders utilize severe militant training.

The Faction Leaders Program for is open for men who desire direct, advanced, and personal training and support for swift rise to capable leadership over regional factions of the Movement.

Power, authority, influence, and wealth are barren without inherent devotion to sacred purpose, assumption of authority, and performance of duty. Faction Leaders of the Movement receive active and ongoing support from Throne Dynamics to develop, direct, and advance their Faction on the ground with coherent militant teams.

Entry into the program is restricted to men without mental disease or defect; capacity for disciplined education; and readiness for militant personal coherence as determined by Client Division through qualification interview with the Relationship Manager of Throne Dynamics.

Formal validations of appointment as Faction Leader are authorized by Risk Division during candidate participation in the training program. Faction Officers and Faction Financiers are qualified and appointed through Head Division.

Interested applicants should review the program content, expectations, restrictions and requirements before requesting qualification interview.

Members of the public are strongly encouraged to take their complimentary Raw Human Capital assessment, read the Founder's Substack, and join the Movement.

Individuals who seek immediate notification of Company Reports may subscribe to our official Telegram channel.

Investors, partners, and clients with questions should reach out to their Relationship Manager.

Throne Dynamics | Client Division | Executive Cadre. (n.d.).

THRONE DYNAMICS | Client Division | THE MOVEMENT. (n.d.).

Throne Dynamics | Risk Division | Hagakure Kan. (n.d.).

Wikipedia Contributors. (2019, September 24). Non-state actor. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.

Wikipedia Contributors. (2019, July 26). Fourth-generation warfare. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.

Global Dissident. (n.d.). Telegram. Retrieved July 11, 2024, from

Wilkes, J. (2024, July 7). Paris riots break out in scenes of carnage as far-right set for election defeat. The Mirror.

France’s Left-Wing Coalition Reveals Plan To Introduce 90 Percent Tax On Annual Income Over €400,000. (2024, July 9). One America News Network.

NATO allies call China a “decisive enabler” of Russia’s war in Ukraine. (2024, July 10). AP News.

How The Real Collapse Is Going To Look When It Hits. (n.d.).

Militant Event Horizon Crossed. (n.d.). Retrieved July 11, 2024, from

Throne, I. (2024, May 21). Extrapolations of Cruelty. From the Desk of Ivan Throne.

THRONE DYNAMICS | Client Division | CALL FOR FACTION LEADERS PROGRAM. (n.d.). Retrieved July 11, 2024, from

Throne Dynamics | Client Division. (n.d.).

Throne Dynamics | Risk Division. (n.d.).

THRONE DYNAMICS | Head Division. (n.d.).

RAW HUMAN CAPITAL | Throne Dynamics. (n.d.).

Throne, I. (n.d.). From the desk of Ivan Throne | Substack.

THRONE DYNAMICS | Client Division | THE MOVEMENT. (n.d.).

THRONE DYNAMICS. (n.d.). Telegram.


Advance With The Company

For men who know the immortal importance of conscience, freedom, and dignity.
Safety and security in community, sustenance and provision for loved ones, and a future for family and civilization are the reason for existence of government and the sole sacred purpose of the State. Critical industries must be turned to explicit posture of survival and expert continuity. The Company delivers expert tools.
For talented individuals with capacity to deliver extraordinary ROI from neurodominant training.
Comprehensive, structured neurodominant training smashes the locks that prevent hypercompetent execution in noncooperative environments. The Company provides bespoke, rich development path for acutely divergent evolution of the individual into a dominant, militant, networked asset.
For accredited investors and institutions that demand survival in the Age of Militants.
Today's dreadful risks are parallel with unmatched opportunity for those with capability to apply personal resource leverage at scale. The Company deeply understands the vital importance of security, support, and sincerity for these individuals and brings acutely competent depth to the furtherance of client legacy.