
Movement Faction Briefing Delivered in Texas

June 24, 2024
Community Division

On Saturday, June 22nd 2024 the Founder delivered exhortation to a militant gathering in Texas via video with in-person presentation by the Financier of the Movement.

The briefing included details on the vision, mission, and operations of the Company in tandem with the work of Project Silver Talent to serialize militant owner-operator emplacement within corporate acquisitions.

Cruel fulfillment of duty delivers ground dominance.

Mr. Throne delivered remarks on the Movement and the Company methods of fealty, cruelty, and majesty that support the rapidly advancing success of Throne Dynamics in coalescence of individuals, organizations, and institutions under the Standard.

Direct ties to the community and direct opportunity channels for local and regional growth were presented by the Financier in the context of critical continuity industries and the reality of impending collapse.

The rapid approach of this collapse is accelerated by approaching unserviceability of $137 trillion in U.S. debt and unfunded liabilities; Federal debt servicing now exceeds U.S. defense spending:

What’s startling about the CBO’s latest projections is that just one year ago, the Congressional budget scorekeepers estimated that interest payments would exceed defense spending in late 2028. By 2029, the CBO then projected, we’d be spending $1,041 billion on defense and $1,071 billion on interest.
Now that threshold will be crossed this year. In 2024, CBO estimates the federal government will spend $850 billion on defense, compared to $870 billion on interest. Under the CBO’s new estimates, 2029 defense spending will be significantly less than previously projected ($954 billion) while interest payments will be higher than previously projected ($1,170 billion).

An additional serious and driving indicator is the abandonment of U.S.-born males by the employment market is another serious leading indicator of economic devastation through unchecked immigration:

Compared to the fourth quarter of 2019, right before COVID-19 hit, the fourth quarter of 2023 shows 2.7 million more people working.
Except all those gains are among immigrants.
The number of immigrants working over this period is up by 2.9 million, while 183,000 fewer US-born Americans are working.
This decline matters because the list of negative outcomes for individuals, their families, and society associated with being out of the labor force is extreme. Not working is linked with higher rates of crime and social isolation, as well as so-called “deaths of despair,” including suicide, drug overdose and alcoholism.

The horrific destruction of American cities is beyond recovery under any current regime. Safety and security, sustenance and provision, identity and meaning have all been torn from the hands of the people.

The Company, the Executive Cadre, and the Movement work in savage tandem to deliberately drive alternative future in this noncooperative arena of oligarchic collapse and fall.

Groundswell organizations of fighting age males across the West are clear and unmistakable indicia of incipient tidal changes:

Launched in 2021, the movement now includes more than 104 known cells across the US, Canada, and Europe, according to a recent Counter Extremism Project report. The unprecedented growth of the movement poses serious public safety risks as the US and many democratic countries approach elections in 2024. With a history of engaging in political violence and intimidation, there is a significant risk that the network’s cells could serve as a violent militia and “brownshirt” organisation interfering in elections and political events across the US over the coming year.

Hagakure Kan assets are long emplaced in preparation for this objectively observable and inevitable evolution.

A recent observation by a Cadre officer captured well the massive differentiator of the Company:

Most companies or organizations have a single mission statement, whereas Throne Dynamics has something like mission posture, with a radius aimed in multiple directions. I believe it’s true that people don’t know how to interpret the company, as a platform they’ve simply never encountered anything quite like it.

Bloody retributions are inevitable, and the Company ensures coherence and competence in execution.

Members of the public are strongly encouraged to take their complimentary Raw Human Capital assessment, read the Founder's Substack, and join the Movement.

Investors, partners, and clients with questions should reach out to their Relationship Manager.

Throne Dynamics | Head Division | Founder. (n.d.).

THRONE DYNAMICS | Client Division | THE MOVEMENT. (n.d.).

THRONE DYNAMICS | Head Division | MISSION. (n.d.). Retrieved June 24, 2024, from

Throne, I. (2024, May 16). Vivisections of Fealty. From the Desk of Ivan Throne.

Throne, I. (2024, May 21). Extrapolations of Cruelty. From the Desk of Ivan Throne.

Throne, I. (2024, May 24). Explications of Majesty. From the Desk of Ivan Throne.

Our Debt Clock. (n.d.).

Roy, A. (n.d.). CBO: Federal Interest Payments Now Exceed Defense Spending. Forbes. Retrieved June 24, 2024, from

Archive, V. A., & feed, G. author R. (2024, February 13). Job gains are going to immigrants, and keeping young US-born men out of the workforce.

METAL LEO. (2024, April 20). DOWNTOWN Los Angeles COLLAPSED. YouTube.

THRONE DYNAMICS | Head Division | ABOUT THE COMPANY. (n.d.). Retrieved June 24, 2024, from

Throne Dynamics | Client Division | Executive Cadre. (n.d.).

THRONE DYNAMICS | Client Division | THE MOVEMENT. (n.d.).

How The Real Collapse Is Going To Look When It Hits. (n.d.). Retrieved June 24, 2024, from

Nationalist Fight Clubs Train Across The United States. (n.d.).

McDonald, B. (n.d.). Active Clubs: A new far-right threat to democratic elections. Al Jazeera. Retrieved June 24, 2024, from

Throne Dynamics | Risk Division | Hagakure Kan. (n.d.).

Throne, I. (2024, June 22). Bloody Retributions. From the Desk of Ivan Throne.

RAW HUMAN CAPITAL | Throne Dynamics. (n.d.).

Throne, I. (n.d.). From the desk of Ivan Throne | Substack.

THRONE DYNAMICS | Client Division | THE MOVEMENT. (n.d.).


Advance With The Company

For men who know the immortal importance of conscience, freedom, and dignity.
Safety and security in community, sustenance and provision for loved ones, and a future for family and civilization are the reason for existence of government and the sole sacred purpose of the State. Critical industries must be turned to explicit posture of survival and expert continuity. The Company delivers expert tools.
For talented individuals with capacity to deliver extraordinary ROI from neurodominant training.
Comprehensive, structured neurodominant training smashes the locks that prevent hypercompetent execution in noncooperative environments. The Company provides bespoke, rich development path for acutely divergent evolution of the individual into a dominant, militant, networked asset.
For accredited investors and institutions that demand survival in the Age of Militants.
Today's dreadful risks are parallel with unmatched opportunity for those with capability to apply personal resource leverage at scale. The Company deeply understands the vital importance of security, support, and sincerity for these individuals and brings acutely competent depth to the furtherance of client legacy.