
Militant Imperatives for Fighting Age Males

April 5, 2024
Community Division

"Fighting age males" is a well-understood but differently and often vaguely defined concept.

The Central Intelligence Agency offers a cut and dried iteration of military obligation by age and country, while Military Age Males in US. Counterinsurgency and Drone Warfare includes the rather fascinating observation:

In 2012, The New York Times reported that the Obama Administration excluded all Military-Age Males from the collateral damage count in areas where the U.S engaged in drone warfare/ Though the Military-Age Male (MAM) category references the draft, the term is applied to all boys and men, including civilians, who are aged sixteen years and older. The Military-Aged Male category is not synonymous with 'combatant,' but marks boys and men for differentiated treatment in conflict zones, to the point where male bodies are used as a shorthand for 'combatant' when assessing the collateral damage count.
Better than being trans.

As a male you are a legitimate military target unless, of course, you are recognizable by the inbound UAV as a trans monstrosity:

Both the Bush Jr. and Obama Administrations used the Military-Age Male category to structure military strategy, meaning that civilian protection was applied asymmetrically and that military violence was legitimized when directed against male civilians.

The Company recognizes the harsh and inevitable realities of the Third World War. There is no way around these inescapable truths.

As a non-state actor in 4th generation warfare, we deeply and fully appreciate both the existential risk and incredible opportunity facing men of military age in the West.

Those who fail to rise to the challenge of securing their civilization and culture will be liquidated along with it. Bugs, pods, humiliation, atrocity, and emasculated, miserable death will be their fate under the guns and syringes of the Adversary.

Yet those who recognize and accept the dreadful discipline and militant education required of them will not only survive; through this war the the light of victory and its majesty remain within their simple reach.

Make no mistake:

It will be hard, and terrible, and you will lose friends and brothers and fellow militants along the way.

Some will quit. Some will simply fail. Some will turn and deliver shocking treason to their people and nation in sick thrall to rotted States that no longer warrant fealty.

Others will simply die beside you.

This is the nature of war and of the epochal change you face in the Age of Militants.

We therefore offer imperatives to you; critical structures and guidelines you must follow in order to advance your self-protection, self-determination, and self-advancement despite the unending horror of what threatens you and everything you love.

Ivan Throne, Founder of the Company, made this very clear in his dark philosophy bestseller The Nine Laws:

No one is coming to save you.
Your power is all that you and your loved ones can depend upon.

Without further ado, here are the imperatives of the Company for militants under the Standard:

  • Watch your attitude. Cynicism, flippant negativity, and black-pilled abrogation of responsibility to your people are unacceptable excuses and dishonest abrogations. You bear duty of the State; act like it. Childish whining and affectation of sophisticated disqualification are precisely what rots and destroys your capacity from within.
  • Accept leadership. Unless you are an enterprise leader yourself, you face existential demand to seek, identify, recognize, test, and follow leaders who will bring you forward with coherence and competence. There is no question that leaders are incredibly difficult to come by; nonetheless they are there and they will rise with you behind them.
  • Harden your worldview. You are beset on all sides with befouling propaganda and humiliating narratives of crazed social insanity. You must consciously and deliberately reject poison and focus your perspective on the truth of iron principles and bedrock values.
  • Train for competence. As militant individuals you are expected to continuously and constantly drive the envelope of your capacity in useful, deployable, real-world skills. There is no substitute for the power that industrial, kinetic, financial, and political effectiveness brings to the grave and challenging work of generations.
  • Build laterally. Armies win and loners die. Discard "lone wolf" fantasies and idiotic pretensions to individual idiosyncrasies that separate and divide you from forming ranks. You must find your brothers out there in the dark and help them train to build, fight, and lead as a concerted and effective force, no matter how small a group you are.
  • Become an autodidact. You are directly and personally responsible for your development as a militant! You face malevolent States that loathe and despise you; their printed trillions and digital control are immense; and every last bit of knowledge of truth will be hidden from you unless you, personally, seek out and absorb what you must learn to win.
  • Channel rage. Cold and brutal commitment to performance in thought, word, and deed is both irreplaceable and existentially fortifying. Not just your own survival, but that of all who depend upon you and share your love, lies within what the Adversary would destroy, steal, and smash. Take your fury and transform it to power.

Throne Dynamics deeply understands what you face.

We have no illusions of the great immensity of the struggle you have been forced to undertake.

Be of good cheer! There is no despair in Heaven, and the natures of Men can be commanded.

Get up and walk. Stand and march! Find your bloody banner, and marshal under it.

If you do this, you will win. Train to fight and train hard!

Heed the words of Ferdinand von Schill and set a fierce resolve:

Better an end with horror, than a horror without end.

Truth you cannot unsee is painful, indeed. Yet truth is your only option.

Always follow truth where it leads you in the dark.

There is only one thing you need do to begin:

Get up and walk.

Absolute victory is ahead of all of you!

Seize it, own it, and be proud.

The Company is beside you.

Military service age and obligation - The World Factbook. (n.d.).

Shoker, S. (2018). Military-Age Males in U.S Counterinsurgency and Drone Warfare.

“Everyone in the World Needs to See This”: Footage Shows IDF Drone Killing Gazans. (n.d.). Retrieved April 6, 2024, from


Wikipedia Contributors. (2019, September 24). Non-state actor. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.

Private 4GW lecture by William S. Lind. (n.d.).


THRONE DYNAMICS | The Academy. (n.d.). Retrieved April 6, 2024, from

Throne Dynamics | Community Division | Age of Militants. (n.d.).

Throne Dynamics | Head Division | Founder. (n.d.). Retrieved April 6, 2024, from

Throne, I. (2016). The Nine Laws. In Amazon. Castalia House.

THRONE DYNAMICS | Academy | Bloody Banners In The Dark World. (2024).

Nationalist Fight Clubs Train Across The United States. (n.d.). Retrieved April 6, 2024, from


Advance With The Company

For men who know the immortal importance of conscience, freedom, and dignity.
Safety and security in community, sustenance and provision for loved ones, and a future for family and civilization are the reason for existence of government and the sole sacred purpose of the State. Critical industries must be turned to explicit posture of survival and expert continuity. The Company delivers expert tools.
For talented individuals with capacity to deliver extraordinary ROI from neurodominant training.
Comprehensive, structured neurodominant training smashes the locks that prevent hypercompetent execution in noncooperative environments. The Company provides bespoke, rich development path for acutely divergent evolution of the individual into a dominant, militant, networked asset.
For accredited investors and institutions that demand survival in the Age of Militants.
Today's dreadful risks are parallel with unmatched opportunity for those with capability to apply personal resource leverage at scale. The Company deeply understands the vital importance of security, support, and sincerity for these individuals and brings acutely competent depth to the furtherance of client legacy.