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Militant Event Horizon Crossed

June 17, 2024
Community Division

Directly on the heels of the Hard Right triumph in elections for the European Parliament, objectively observable evidence of further dysregulated rot in Western nations accelerates and increases.

The Bürgenstock summit on the war in Ukraine produced a brief communique touting adherence to principles:

We had a fruitful, comprehensive and constructive exchange of various views on pathways towards a framework for a comprehensive, just and lasting peace, based on international law, including the United Nations Charter. In particular, we reaffirm our commitment to refraining from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, the principles of sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of all states, including Ukraine, within their internationally recognized borders, including territorial waters, and the resolution of disputes through peaceful means as principles of international law.

In addition, the communique warns against use or threat of nuclear armaments:

Any threat or use of nuclear weapons in the context of the ongoing war against Ukraine is inadmissible.

Simultaneously and incredibly, the Secretary General of NATO announces that member nations are in talks to move nuclear warheads from storage and bring them to battlefield readiness:

Jens Stoltenberg added that the bloc must show its nuclear arsenal to the world to send a direct message to its foes in an interview with The Telegraph.
He revealed there were live consultations between members on taking missiles out of storage and placing them on standby as he called for transparency to be used as a deterrent.
Mr. Stoltenberg said: “I won’t go into operational details about how many nuclear warheads should be operational and which should be stored, but we need to consult on these issues. That’s exactly what we’re doing.”

Results of the Bürgenstock summit are harshly and accurately derided in Swiss media as "fairytale":

The Swiss media also focused on the lack of global consensus, which was laid bare by the summit’s joint communiqué.
“At the fairytale Bürgenstock luxury hotel this weekend people were indulging in the no-less fairytale idea that a diplomatic solution to the conflict could somehow be found. That is a dangerous illusion,” reported the Blick newspaper.
“India is missing. Saudi Arabia is missing. Mexico is missing. South Africa is missing,” stated Der Bund. “Unity and solidarity were invoked at the beginning of the Bürgenstock conference – but when it came to the decisive final document, the very countries in whom so much hope was placed went missing.”

India, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa are members of BRICS as are, of course, the Russian Federation and China - two nations not present at Bürgenstock, and who lead the global turn against the dystopian West:

Many of BRICS’ current members already have real GDP growth rates that are higher than their G7 counterparts, with current members having an average GDP growth of 189% to 2050 compared to the G7’s average of 50%, according to Goldman Sachs.

Meanwhile on the ground in Europe literal waves of rape from criminal invaders continues to be protected by totalitarian globalists through imprisonment for criticism in Germany:

Rape of his nations has brought the Age of Militants.
A right-wing politician in Germany has been convicted of a hate crime and fined thousands of dollars for sharing statistics about the disproportionate number of gang rapes committed by immigrants, specifically Afghan nationals, and for questioning whether multiculturalism means accommodating rape culture.
Marie-Thérèse Kaiser is a member of the right-leaning Alternative for Germany. The 27-year-old women's safety advocate and former model serves as the party's only representative in the Rotenburg district council.

Her conviction of hate crime for using official State statistics is clearly absurd. It parallels the mockery of justice by German courts in sentencing an Afghan serial rapist to sensitivity training without prison or deportation.

Migrant gang rapists in Germany are given suspended sentences.

The German people are not protected by their German government against foreign invaders.

In the Netherlands, a member of the Dutch parliament was convicted of sedition for promoting "feelings of unrest and insecurity in society":

Farmers were present who did not agree with the government's nitrogen policy and demonstrated because they felt their right to exist was seriously threatened. The suspect said that the government is depriving citizens of their fundamental freedoms and fundamental rights, that the government's nitrogen policy is unlawful, and that we are dealing with a tyrannical government. Later, on October 10, the suspect repeated his views on nitrogen policy in an interview with Compleetdenkers that was posted on YouTube," the District Court wrote.

Even Crown Princess Amalia of the Netherlands briefly fled her nation following threat of kidnap from Moroccan criminals in Holland.

When the Royal heir to your throne must flee her own soil under threat from hostile foreigners in her nation's capital, that nation has been prostrated and raped.

This self-desecration of nations by globalist ideologues, who encourage these atrocities and replacement of their people (as evidence, native Dutch are now a minority in Amsterdam and Rotterdam), has directly produced the Hard Right groundswell that now builds across an awakening Europe:

Whatever twists and turns the next weeks and months will deliver, young far-right voters will shape European politics for years, if not decades, to come. Political allegiances forged in young adulthood tend to last lifetimes.
Europe’s “foreigners out” generation may have arrived in a surge; it’s unlikely to ebb away anytime soon.

"Foreigners Out" or Ausländer Raus has sprung directly from this, and will continue.

The Hard Right must cohere, and build correct relationships and militant structures to advance victory:

Rather than working to accomplish a series of Brexit-style national departures from the EU, most radical right leaders and parties are now increasingly interested in recasting the union into a kind of civilizational polity with its own unique blood-and-soil values and institutions.

Throne Dynamics continues to shape and direct coherence in this arena through Flashpoint Europe this fall. Our own duty of the State is our sacred purpose.

The Company delivers the conscious direction of impact that becomes history.

No parley, no quarter.

The event horizon has been crossed.

This was foreseeable and has taken place.

Nicolo Machiavelli was correct in his warning to princes:

It makes him hated above all things, as I have said, to be rapacious, and to be a violator of the property and women of his subjects, from both of which he must abstain.

It is why deserved vengeance does not fail to demand its full denouement, with grand rising and savage impact from the hands of fighting age males who have had enough.

Like them, you have only the choice of whether you will submit or you will fight.

The Age of Militants is your gateway to fulfillment of your duty of the State to your nation, your people, and your heritage. Do not delay your advancement!

Members of the public are strongly encouraged to take their complimentary Raw Human Capital assessment, read the Founder's Substack, and join the Movement.

Investors, partners, and clients with questions should reach out to their Relationship Manager.

Hard Right European Triumph. (n.d.).

Summit on Peace in Ukraine: Joint Communiqué on a Peace Framework. (n.d.). Retrieved June 17, 2024, from

Barnes, J. (2024, June 16). Exclusive: Nato in talks to deploy more nuclear weapons. The Telegraph.

Allen, M. (2024, June 17). Ukraine peace summit failed to meet “fairytale” expectations. SWI

Conte, N. (2023, October 24). Charted: Comparing the GDP of BRICS and the G7 countries. Visual Capitalist.

German politician convicted of hate crime after sounding alarm about Afghan rape gangs | Blaze Media. (n.d.).

Attenborough, F. (2024, May 8). Young AfD politician convicted after publishing gang rape statistics in connection with Afghan migration. The Free Speech Union.

Grossman, H. (2023, August 21). German judge sets Afghan refugee who raped, assaulted multiple girls free with no prison time. Fox News.

8 Of The 9 Men Who Gang Raped 15-Year-Old Girl Get No Prison Time. (n.d.). Retrieved June 17, 2024, from

Dutch MP Gideon Van Meijeren convicted of sedition for rallying farmers to violence. NL Times. (2024, June 11).

Crisp, J. (2024, April 17). Dutch Crown Princess Amalia fled to Spain over kidnap fears. The Telegraph.

Lazëri, M., & Coenders, M. (2022). Dutch national identity in a majority-minority context: when the dominant group becomes a local minority. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1–25.

Europe’s “foreigners out!” generation: Why young people vote far right. (2024, June 17). POLITICO.

Global Dissident. (n.d.). Telegram. Retrieved June 17, 2024, from

THRONE DYNAMICS | Community Division | FLASHPOINT EUROPE. (n.d.).

Machiavelli, N. (n.d.). The Prince. Https:// Retrieved June 17, 2024, from

Throne, I. (2024, June 6). Vengeance From The Ruins. From the Desk of Ivan Throne.

Militant Imperatives for Fighting Age Males. (n.d.).

RAW HUMAN CAPITAL | Throne Dynamics. (n.d.).

Throne, I. (n.d.). From the desk of Ivan Throne | Substack.

THRONE DYNAMICS | Client Division | THE MOVEMENT. (n.d.).


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