- Justice is the foundation of civilization. Peace in the face of murder, slavery, and collapse is suicidal. Amnesty for those who plundered families, nations, and cultures will provoke civil war. Permitting these criminals to keep their wealth is nonsense.
- For six weeks the Company has led the Mirror Team of professionals towards launch of game-breaking solution. We stand as the vanguard of new justice, in a world where absolute victory is the only choice Men can make.
- Tomorrow the Company will announce a major milestone: global launch of the Tribunals.
The Company recently announced successful fundraising and acquisition of initial deployment infrastructure for Centurion, the militant AI of the Company. Risk Division issues this current Advisory to recommend all investors, partners, and clients to visit, review and bookmark the following two links from the Mirror Team:
Additional information will be available to the Cadre over the next 24 hours of launch rollout.