
Exhortation from Ohio Militant Event

April 30, 2024
Community Division

The Company held a militant gathering in southern Ohio over the past weekend.

In addition to several leaders of the Executive Cadre, seven local families attended with their community pastor. Specific work on translation of vision into cruel execution was done in collaborative and breakout sessions.

Execute with cruelty across the Earth.

Community Division provides here the exhortation of the Cadre leader who hosted the event:

It is the paradise that we stage from to execute our God-given mission to fill and subdue the earth. This paradise is one of the sources of our identity and is worth defending.
When we looked at vision, I broke it down into spheres of authority: Self, Spouse, Family, Community, and Civilization, for several reasons.
As leaders and forward thinkers, our vision should have a huge blast radius, but that blast wave always starts closest where we have immediate reach and moves outward. A vision that ignores a sphere will stutter as it moves out.
However, not everyone has grand world-shaking vision.  A man recovering from trauma; a newly married couple just starting out; a simple country farmer who desires nothing more than to watch his children run barefoot thought the grass; while different people have differing scopes of vision, their visions each need to be just as firm and real as the dread lord who rides at the head of his army breaking the opposing charge of the enemies of heaven.
Community and Civilization are the aggregate of the countless smaller spheres of all the men of the nation. Civilization is built by the quiet strength of its families. The army of the Lord would be empty otherwise. And an army of men with no sense of Self, Spouse or Family is not an army but a faceless horde, a plague of locusts devouring everything in its path.
When the families and marriages rot, then civilization will fall, further accelerating the destruction of the smaller spheres in a death spiral.
But during the fall of a rotted state, community and civilization can still be maintained by countless men hardening their spheres of influence at whatever level is within their reach at that moment.
The men and families that attended all looked at their visions in a systematic way, finding either gaps that need to be filled or focal points that cry out for immediate action.  Initial feedback indicates this exercise was eye-opening and insightful and will prompt further discussion going forward.

Additional events are in preparation in the United States and Europe, including Switzerland and France. The message must be delivered, and it will be heard.

Members of the public are encouraged to complete their complimentary Raw Human Capital assessment.

Investors, partners, and clients with questions should reach out to their Relationship Manager.

Company Militant Event in Ohio. (n.d.).

Throne Dynamics | Client Division | Executive Cadre. (n.d.).

Throne Dynamics | Community Division. (n.d.).

RAW HUMAN CAPITAL | Throne Dynamics. (n.d.).


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For men who know the immortal importance of conscience, freedom, and dignity.
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For accredited investors and institutions that demand survival in the Age of Militants.
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