Neurodominance is a radically divergent individual evolution of human capacity, coherence, and competence.
The proprietary methods of the Company for training neurodominance are a clinical syncretism of acutely adaptive methodologies, developed in persistent existential noncooperative environments, and concentrically applied over millennia through eugenic selection for successful executive delivery.
Neurodominant training engages both experiential maturity and latent eugenic capacity in profoundly traumatic processes. The Company makes this severe evolution available to clients who have demonstrated the maturity and stability to handle neurodominant materials.
Additionally, neurodominant training is best conducted in parallel with professionally operated peer groups specifically trained to provide social and material support.
For this reason, with rare exceptions, the proprietary neurodominance curriculum of the Company is not generally suitable for the average individual. Members of the general public who wish to explore these structures and materials can do so through the links on this page.
Individuals who feel compelled to pursue introductory Company education and training are encouraged to complete the Raw Human Capital assessment and begin with their report.
Neurodominant training is provided by the Company through the Academy.