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Featured Academy Document: The Most Dangerous Extremist

April 17, 2024
Client Division

Client Division is charged with instruction of individuals, organizations, and institutions in militant education for their self-protection, self-determination, and self-advancement. In these early days of the Third World War it is incumbent upon militants to objectively observe ground realities.

Today's Intelligence Report features a higher-level look at why America must explode.

Entirely apart from $157 trillion in unfunded liabilities and clearly growing civil unrest, there are grave cultural indicators that will bear ill fruit.

What is the most dangerous extremist?

It is the one who wins.
Isn’t that a rather lovely reduction to bare realities?
Today America is beset with bitterly opposed ideologies, challenges to history, riots and killings and corruption and laughably stupid pronouncements from official organs of the State.
These things inarguably foster the contempt of all warring parties for the rotted structure of the nation.
We are going to take a look, here, at the reasons why America must explode.
Cultivate your ground dominance.
The most dangerous extremist is the intelligent, patient, psychopathic one.
Delayed gratification, wisdom in plans, and pitiless execution win the day.
This is how civilization is built, and how civilization is reduced to rubble.
We are going to examine some things here today you will not like.
The first is this, and it is inexorable as it is hideously appalling:
America is a rotted whale on the beach.

The Academy has recently updated The Most Dangerous Extremist document.

It is freely available to download and share.

Read carefully and take instruction.

Throne Dynamics | Client Division. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2024, from

RISK DIVISION ADVISORY: Middle East Theater Has Opened. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2024, from

Our Debt Clock. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2024, from

Vision of Humanity. (2021, January 7). US Civil Unrest and Political Violence Trends in 6 Charts. Vision of Humanity.

THRONE DYNAMICS | The Academy. (n.d.).

THRONE DYNAMICS | Academy | The Most Dangerous Extremist. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2024, from


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